Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Austin Emery

Last week my artistically minded and renowned food-writing friend Oona van den Berg invited me to the private view of sculptor Austin Emery's new exhibition called, wait of it, EXPRESSTANEOUSMOMENTERIALISM!
It was a fun evening and I had an interesting conversation with Austin about his development as a sculptor. He started and still works as a very talented architectural stone carver. But for him that's just the day job; yes, that's far too easy! What really excites him right now is the spontaneous use of the creative impulse to fashion sculpture without preconception, and this exhibition includes stone carving, painting and mixed media.


I particularly liked his figure
s made from bones found in the Thames river bed at low tide and can picture him down in the mud scavenging, beneath the classically carved gargoyle-peppered London riverside frontages, that he can knock up himself of course in an afternoon!

I will be interested to see how Austin continues to develop his work, blending both his fine stone carving skills with his recently unleashed passion for the spontaneous and avant garde
Exhibition runs till Thursday this week, don't miss it!