Thursday, January 31, 2008

Papering Over

I am now pasting tissue paper over the wire structure with PVA glue. It should let the light through. It does tear easily on the wire though especially at pressure points.

Meanwhile the other plaster and wire creations are continuing to evolve ... here they are in the cupboard. They didn't want to come out for the photos.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wire Sculpture Again

Then the following week, there was some chicken wire and I realised that my first effort was a bit shit so I started again. I want a form that entwines itself a la mode of the mobius strip and DNA. The maquette was easy anyway! I made the structure by cutting and fashioning three long wire tubes and then knitting them together. Pretty straightforward really.

I quite like this version. The next decision is how to decorate - Karim suggested paper which I think has legs.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Wire Scuplture

I wanted to start another wire sculpture but there was no chicken wire in the studio ... so I tried plaster and scrim on a coil of armature wire. However this was not an adequate substitute and resulted in this.

Which is not in itself terrible, despite mirth from the cheap seats ...