Thursday, June 26, 2008

Head Sculpture Tips

Underlying structure is v important; work from the skull outwards; stop at the surface;

On my current head: make the impression and form of the hair rather than making it too detailed - give it life! Some good examples of heads are at this site:
Make the eyes have a pupil and an iris; the ears still look a bit stick-on.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008


Life Tips

Things learned during yesterday's life class:
1) look to model the structure before the detail
2) the basic structure of the body is the same for everyone - e.g. lengths correlate like "foot to forearm"
3) working from photographs rather than life can tend to produce flat sculpture and distorted perspective
4) ears are usually about 2 ear widths back from the front of the face
5) neck muscles are important

And here's where I am with my head:
Although it's now a better sculpture, paradoxically I think it has just lost a bit of the likeness and I now need to add back those touches that make it look "right"